Packages of Support

Enabling sector-led improvement to thrive.

Providing and enabling small packages of sector-led improvement support, aimed at LAs in the region, that require support to improve their children’s services.

Project Goals

  • Providing a framework for sector-led improvement across councils’ services and activities, in order to identify and support opportunities for small package support to support improvement.
  • Providing a single point of access to a wide range of key contextual and performance data to highlight strengths/weaknesses for individual and collective exploration.
  • Subject matter expert support and consultation on key projects undertaken to support regional improvement and learning.

Sector-Led Improvement

  • Audio Recording Support (AFC/Lewisham) – Supporting Lewisham to audio record child protection conferences
  • Diamond (Tower Hamlets) – to support mothers who have repeatedly been separated from their infant children through care proceedings – in order to help them to keep their children in the future or to have no further children. Wider roll-out across East London – introduction of pilot model. Commencement of pilot service in Tower Hamlets – end November 2022
  • Stop & Search (Haringey/Enfield) – working jointly with police to review stop and search activities resulting safeguarding actions. Haringey partnered with Enfield (share a Borough Command Unit) on this work but are leading this on behalf of the North sub-region
  • Adolescent safeguarding from Extra Familial Harm (Redbridge) – Piloting the use virtual reality technology in adolescent safeguarding interventions, offering the prospect of developing new and more effective means of enabling behaviour change in young people and their parents/carers, recognising the importance of family engagement as a protective factor in managing the risk of extra-familial harm.
  • Family Hubs (Enfield) – Develop Family Hub model in Enfield based on the evidence of the best practice to start the process of change.
  • Signs of Safety Reboot (Enfield) – The project was to undertake a diagnostic of Enfield’s Signs of Safety model of practice and to develop a road map to ensure the model’s sustainability.
  • CSC Covid-19 Regional Recovery (Hillingdon) – Extension of the Devolved Budgets concept under Regional Response Strand 2 to protect adolescents from extra-familial harms.
  • Virtual Reality Headset Project (Redbridge) – Afford practitioners opportunity to use the headset with children and families to enable them to better understand the inherent messages in the videos. It is a creative and innovative way to develop relationships and partnerships with children and families.
  • PLO Pre-proceedings Toolkit (reducing court backlogs) (Hillingdon) – A toolkit for the pre-proceedings stage of the PLO process for local authorities to use to follow best practise.
  • Family Hubs (Redbridge) – Introducing a Family Hub model offers the council and its partners an opportunity to deliver a step change in the effectiveness of its work with families, moving away from partners making a series of referrals or interventions for a family; instead working together to ensure that families get the support they need.
  • Testing a Peripatetic Family Hubs Approach (Camden) – the project tests an outreach-based approach to family hubs, taking information advice and guidance on a range of issues to existing family-friendly community settings.
  • Design a new specialist Children’s Social Work Apprenticeship (Greenwich) – A specialist Children’s Social Work Apprenticeship that is designed to both address the national issue of social workers and the levels of staff retention; and to also address the needs and requirements of social workers working within children’s services.
  • International Recruitment Workshop (Croydon/Sutton/Harrow/Ealing) – borough led event delivered jointly by 4 LAs for the whole region to share practice and learnings around the recruitment, development and retention of international CSW recruits.
  • MACE Peer Review (multiple LAs) – new arrangements for undertaking child exploitation work have been rolled out in London over the last 18 months and this project sought to understand their effectiveness.
  • Preparation for Adulthood Peer Review (Barking and Dagenham/Waltham Forest/Achieving for Children/Hammersmith and Fulham/Redbridge/Haringey) – 6 London Boroughs brought together on the topic of Preparation for Adulthood, specifically looking at Employment Pathways for young people with SEN
  • Permanent Recruitment Workshop (Camden/Newham/Harrow/Wandsworth) – borough led event delivered jointly by 4 LAs for the whole region to share practice and learnings to support recruitment and retention, with a focus on 4 thematic areas; 1) Retention First 2) Strengthening Digital, 3) Learning from International Recruitment Practice and 4) Practice Models at the Heart

Share your practice

We are always keen to hear and celebrate the work of London’s Authorities to build on the regions Sector-Led Improvement activity. This helps us provide a regional knowledge share, as well as identify future opportunities for small package funding.

N.B.: any information shared is held confidentially within LIIA and will only be shared more widely with explicit consent.

Contact Details

LIIA Director: Ben Byrne (LIIA)

Programme Lead: Matt Raleigh (LIIA)

LIIA Head of Programme Delivery: Rula Tripolitaki (LIIA)