In 2022, a Peer Review was undertaken by a project team of safeguarding experts from health, police and London LAs to review London’s multi-agency child exploitation arrangements. This involved:
- Self-assessment of local MACE arrangements which was returned by 24 of 32 London boroughs;
- Six online peer review meetings with local MACE representatives, representing 10 local authority areas / safeguarding partnerships, building on the information provided in the self-assessment
The review sought to understand:
- How current MACE Protocols are being implemented
- Understanding and implementation of the VOLT approach
- Assessing the organisation and effectiveness of MACE meetings, agenda, attendance, partner contributions, and chairing
- Whether the MACE enable the statutory partners to maintain operational oversight of activity, produce data, develop strategy and measure impact
The findings were published in January 2023 and a project team is now taking forward the recommendations for improvements, along with practitioners and leaders across London.
If you are working on MACE arrangements and would like to find out more, you can register for the Adolescent Safeguarding Members Area.
Project Goals
- Improve process and outcome through better understanding of and compliance with the London Child Exploitation Operating Protocol 2021
- Reduce the duplication in development of tools and templates.
- Achieve improvements and greater consistency in multi-agency contribution.
- Influence developments in statutory agencies and influence funders including encouraging the development of a new protocol aligned to revised statutory guidance on extra-familial harm and the results of piloting of new forms of safety and protection plans.
To enable this to happen, the project will be comprised of the Project Delivery Group (including Task and Finish Groups) and the MACE Chairs Reference Group.
Project Milestones
Implementation of recommendations
The Task & Finish group have reviewed London’s multi-agency child exploitation (MACE) arrangements and are in the process of completing their work.
September 2022 – December 2022
MACE Review

London Adolescent Safeguarding Oversight Board (LASOB)