
Check here for our calendar of events, including details of upcoming regional meetings.

Large room filled with people sitting ten to a desk at an event
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test workforce event

  • 19/03/2023
  • 1 Street Street
  • In Person
  • Event type: Workshop
  • Priority: Workforce

Workforce event1 test

test send event

  • 31/03/2023
  • Town Hall
  • In Person
  • Event type: Focus Group
  • Priority: SEND

SEND Event

test res and comm event1

  • 04/03/2023
  • 16:00 - 18:00
  • Town Hall
  • Priority: Resources & Commissioning

Resources and Commissioning event

test core activities event

  • 15:00 - 17:00
  • Priority: Core Activities


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Contact Us

Reach out to the team if you have any queries about upcoming/past meetings or events