Data Innovation

ALDCS and LIIA are facilitating the need for the public sector to move towards a joined-up approach, as identified in the National Data Strategy by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport.


In 2021 the LIIA bid for a number of grants and was successful in securing funding from the DfE as part of the ‘Recovery fund’ programme, from the Department of Levelling Up, Housing & Communities (DLUCH) as part of their ‘Data accelerator programme’ and from the Home Office, the Mayor of London’s Violence Reduction Unit and the Youth Endowment Fund for the ‘Your Choice’ programme.

This success has made a range of projects and initiatives possible across London, some in clusters of LAs and with partners in this sector and region, some pan-London in scope and endeavour. Many have a data component implicit in their design, purpose or necessary to evaluate progress.

The LIIA data & intelligence team will play its part in supporting these programmes and projects, working with stakeholders to develop the most appropriate data offer to support the aims of each. Wherever possible that support will be linked into strand two and the development of the data platform building on the development of information governance, the pipeline/ data sharing network and the analyses being developed, whichever elements are most pertinent to the programme or project.

Where this is not possible or appropriate the team will work with colleagues to find the most efficient means to support the needs of the programme or project.

Find out more:

Project Goals

We will approach working with partners in the sector in a spirit of collaboration, adhering to our core data principles, led by the aims and objectives of the LIIA & ALDCS and to achieve improved outcomes for all children with a particular focus on the most vulnerable children & young people whom we serve. This will also set the platform for ongoing LIIA initiatives, open possibilities for future collaboration with partners using data and research to continually improve the outcomes of children, young people and their families and to make data speak for London’s children.


National Performance and Information Managers Group (NPIMG).

Contact Details

LIIA Strategic Intelligence Lead: Rashid Jussa (LIIA)


Intelligence Analyst (Your Choice): Sherian Bateson (LIIA)

Intelligence Analyst: Stephen Carter (LIIA)

Intelligence Analyst: Ramanjit Bains (LIIA)


LIIA Steering Board.

LIEG (London Information Exchange Group)