Early Help Network

The London Early Help Network exists to provide an opportunity for practice leaders to come together to share expertise in Early Help. The network is supported by the Association of London Directors of Children’s Services (ALDCS).

Image of a large number of stylised, cartoon faces, all connected with dashed and solid lines, to show their multiple connections

This network seeks to;

  • Provide a regional forum for Early Help practice leaders to share effective practice and learn from each other and invited guests about developments in Early Help.
  • Provide a regional forum to consider opportunities for cross-regional work/collaborative working and joint bid opportunities.
  • Lead and champion activities agreed by the Network.
  • Develop a shared programme of activity to support innovation and improvement in Early Help in London.
  • Communicate and reciprocate links to key regional and national partner organisations.

Who is part of this network?

This is a forum for those who are responsible for the delivery of Early Help in each authority.

It is chaired by Michaela.Carlowe@barnet.gov.uk and Becca.Dove@camden.gov.uk.

To find out more about the membership, you can contact Nafisa Abdiresak, the Key Contact.

Membership eligibility

Most network members are assistant directors and heads of service, or those identified to represent their authority.

Management and Governance

The Early Help Network is supported by ALDCS and represented at ALDCS meetings by Florence Kroll, DCS Greenwich. The meetings are chaired by 2 members chosen by the network as a whole and facilitated by LIIA.

When do we meet?

The network meets 4 times per year. Sub-working groups on particular topics will be set up in between Forum meetings as required.

Key Contact

Project Administrator: Nafisa Abdiresak (LIIA)
