Open to:
- Leaders of Councils
- Lead Members for Children’s Services
- Chief Executives
- Directors of Children’s Services
- Society of London Treasurers
The ALDCS Children’s Innovation and Improvement Summit will be a chance to review progress against London’s children’s services priorities and to shape plans for collaborative work. This event will take place on Microsoft Teams and entry is by invitation only.
Please contact Serena Perry at if you would like to join us.
The event will provide an opportunity to hear from Vicky Ford MP, the Minister for Children and Families, and be updated on work in relation to key children’s services challenges, including learning through the Covid period. Participants will also have an opportunity to take part in a workshop to look in greater depth at one of the following:
- Adolescent safeguarding / serious youth violence
- Disproportionality and anti-racism
- Pan-London placements commissioning
The agenda has been circulated to all attendees.