Priority Areas
Ben Byrne is our Strategic Lead and each of our priorities is sponsored by a DCS and is directly supported by one or more of the LIIA team across a variety of interlacing projects. Our first three workstreams also have their own working group membership. Please click below for more details…
“We’ve made some great progress, but as the national Care Review notes, ‘The disadvantage faced by our care experienced community should be the civil rights issue of our time’ – there is so much more we can do together. We are determined to make a difference. ” Jacqui McShannon, DCS LBHF and ALDCS Strategic Lead…
LIIA bring London’s 33 children’s services together; promoting learning, facilitating collaboration, enabling governance, leveraging investment and sharing best practice, underpinned by data insights.
Keeping young people safe in London remains an acute challenge and continues to be one of ALDCS’s key priorities. This workstream is led by Florence Kroll, Director of Children’s Services at Greenwich.
The SEND Priority Workstream is led by Elaine Allegretti (DCS Barking and Dagenham), and supported by the SEND Steering Group and SEND Strategic Managers and Parent Carer Network.
The Commissioning Priority Workstream is led by Tim Aldridge (DCS Camden) and Jonathan Williams (DCS Sutton). The programme is supported by the Pan-London Placements Commissioning Panel
The Workforce Priority Workstream is led by Nigel Chapman (DCS Brent) and supported by the London Workforce Steering Group.